Where We Stand

Yale School of Medicine released a study of testosterone levels in men over the past 20 years showing that from 1999-2016 young men's testosterone levels have dropped by nearly 30%. The problem has continued to get worse.

And it's no secret why this is happening. We are living in an unavoidable cesspool of pthalates, persistent organic pollutants, BPA, pesticides and parabens. Microplastics and agricultural chemicals are truly the lead paint of our generation. 

Endocrine disruptors can block, mimic, or amplify hormonal messages leading to an extreme array of linked health issues.

This is why Virility Greens was founded. To help men fight back against synthetic estrogens and regain the vigor, energy, and focus that we are slowly losing. We use researched natural ingredients that can help men to produce more testosterone and we package our formula in its most bioavailable form. 

Our aim is to allow men to take steps to naturally boost testosterone and protect our ability to create our own androgen supply. We are the natural alternative to TRT and instead of replacing the hormones that we lost, we are fighting back against the conditions that have zapped men of our hormones in the first place.

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